What Is A Good Paintball Mask?
The face mask is the most significant protective gear in playing the sport of paintball. It mainly shields the eyes from balls with a traveling speed of up to three hundred “feet per second”. Most completely cover the face and the ears, but there are those who prefer to wear goggles, protecting only the eyes.
Paintball masks are designed to absorb any direct shot, from any distance or range. An ordinary pair of goggles will supply only a false sense of security and put one at great risk since it they are not constructed to block a paintball. All paintball mask manufactures measure up to DOT safety criteria and safety standards.
The choice of the mask’s material is of significance. There are masks made of different material from rubber, plastic to foam. It is a wise idea to buy your own face mask rather then renting one. It should be the first equipment purchased before playing paintball.
Be sure to properly test the fit of the mask to your face and make sure that you can see clearly so you can enjoy your game. The lens is the mask’s most significant quality, so check it carefully; then examine the foam and see if it is comfortable to wear and the design is attractive
1. Typically, paintball masks will have either non-thermal or thermal lens or be anti-fog for fog resistance: these do not need an anti for agent applied to the lens to perform their function. These thermal lenses will cost more but they are a good choice because they just won’t fog up.
2. The foam in a paint ball mask is an important factor to consider, as it can determine your level of comfort. For instance, a “Vforce Armor” is a neoprene type of foam – a type of foam that is considered a good foam, but it is uncomfortable. The “Vforce Shield” and “Vforce Profiler” is and open cell and two layer foam which is very comfortable to wear. The open cell foam can be compared to a memory foam that is used in pillows.
3. Style is another factor. There are masks that are more expensive even when the foam and lens are the same quality as cheaper models, but the difference is in the style of the mask.
Choose wisely and never sacrifice cost over quality; your safety should always come first!
Have fun,
Monday, February 15, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Paintball Bunkers To Hide Behind Until The Time Is Right
By Reed Garcia
If you love playing war games, you may want to take your games to the next level. Now, that does not mean that you want to go out and buy a real gun and start shooting people left right and center. It means that you may want to introduce yourself to a game called paintball. There are many things in a game of paintball; the guns are just one of them. If you are not playing in an open forest or field, and are, instead setting up a combat zone in your back yard, you may want to consider getting paintball bunkers.
There is a lot you can do in the game of paintball, and the one most important things that you need, if you are setting up a combat zone in your back yard, are a few paintball bunkers. You may be wondering why you will need paintball bunkers - they are to hide behind of course.
Now, you could try to play a game of paintball without any bunkers, but that will just be a few people standing in front of each other shooting one another with paintballs - it does not make for a very entertaining game of paintball.
This is why it is important for you to have paintball bunkers. Now, there is a way for you to have a game of paintball without the bunkers, and that is to set the game up in an open forest where the trees are you barriers. The advantage to this is there is literally no building on your part. The disadvantage is of course you don't get that battlefield feel as you would with tree forts and ditches.
Once you have all these things (a well balanced playing field, and a select number of consistent bunkers) you can get your game started and enjoy playing paintball with your friends and family every day or every weekend if you like.
If you are going to purchase paintball bunkers, make sure that you have a large enough back yard to spread them out far enough, as having a space that is too small will make for quite a boring game too. Air or custom made, it doesn't matter - your budget will ultimately decide what you get. The cheapest way to make your own paintball field is of course making your own homemade paintball bunkers out of scrap materials from a neighbor or you own supply.
There is a lot you can do in the game of paintball, and the one most important things that you need, if you are setting up a combat zone in your back yard, are a few paintball bunkers. You may be wondering why you will need paintball bunkers - they are to hide behind of course.
Now, you could try to play a game of paintball without any bunkers, but that will just be a few people standing in front of each other shooting one another with paintballs - it does not make for a very entertaining game of paintball.
This is why it is important for you to have paintball bunkers. Now, there is a way for you to have a game of paintball without the bunkers, and that is to set the game up in an open forest where the trees are you barriers. The advantage to this is there is literally no building on your part. The disadvantage is of course you don't get that battlefield feel as you would with tree forts and ditches.
Once you have all these things (a well balanced playing field, and a select number of consistent bunkers) you can get your game started and enjoy playing paintball with your friends and family every day or every weekend if you like.
If you are going to purchase paintball bunkers, make sure that you have a large enough back yard to spread them out far enough, as having a space that is too small will make for quite a boring game too. Air or custom made, it doesn't matter - your budget will ultimately decide what you get. The cheapest way to make your own paintball field is of course making your own homemade paintball bunkers out of scrap materials from a neighbor or you own supply.
About the Author:
Bottom line is, every field needs good paintball bunkers to be complete. You can either learn how to make paintball bunkers, or find some cheap paintball bunkers.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Paintball Games
Paintball Games
As paintball improved and became popular, many individuals tried their abilities at it; giving rise to the assortment and diversity of paintball tournaments and games.
Recreational or Capture the Flag
Played by two teams, where each team has a flag and the objective of both teams is to capture or seize the opponent’s flag and carry it to your team’s starting point. This is one way for your team to win and another way is by eliminating the opposing team entirely.
Each team has to defend their base and simultaneously dispatch team players to eliminate the opponent and capture their flag.
These games are usually played in the forest; bunkers and structures can be put up throughout the area.
Scenario Paintball
This is a paintball game with a theme set up behind it: there are an endless number of themes that can be created making the game feel and look very realistic. There are a number of players; in many cases as many as a hundred are involved in each team.
Each team gets the theme (storyline) a day before the start of the game. There are usually two teams participating, having the “general” as a team’s leader.
Each player is given a role and they should work together as a team in order to carry out and win an assigned mission. Props in accordance with the theme are introduced and distributed throughout the field. There are questions asked in connection with the theme and points are awarded for correct answers.
These points are totaled at the conclusion of the game and the team having the most number of points wins.
This can be played right at your own backyard, a friend’s empty property or at times any property but you must get permission first. You gather your friends to form a group and then conceptualize your own game which typically is “capture the flag”.
Also called “Center Flag”, the speedball field is designed with many huge bunkers; usually “inflatables” filled with air that are shaped similar to big snakes, soda cans, water tanks etc.
Here, a team can be composed of between three to ten players in a game. There is only one flag that is involved and it is located at the center of a field. The two teams start at each end of the field and attempt to gain possession of the flag at the center and carry it to their bunker. The team that does this successfully wins.
Paintball can surely challenge the “soldier” in you. Give it a shot!
Have fun,
As paintball improved and became popular, many individuals tried their abilities at it; giving rise to the assortment and diversity of paintball tournaments and games.
Recreational or Capture the Flag
Played by two teams, where each team has a flag and the objective of both teams is to capture or seize the opponent’s flag and carry it to your team’s starting point. This is one way for your team to win and another way is by eliminating the opposing team entirely.
Each team has to defend their base and simultaneously dispatch team players to eliminate the opponent and capture their flag.
These games are usually played in the forest; bunkers and structures can be put up throughout the area.
Scenario Paintball
This is a paintball game with a theme set up behind it: there are an endless number of themes that can be created making the game feel and look very realistic. There are a number of players; in many cases as many as a hundred are involved in each team.
Each team gets the theme (storyline) a day before the start of the game. There are usually two teams participating, having the “general” as a team’s leader.
Each player is given a role and they should work together as a team in order to carry out and win an assigned mission. Props in accordance with the theme are introduced and distributed throughout the field. There are questions asked in connection with the theme and points are awarded for correct answers.
These points are totaled at the conclusion of the game and the team having the most number of points wins.
This can be played right at your own backyard, a friend’s empty property or at times any property but you must get permission first. You gather your friends to form a group and then conceptualize your own game which typically is “capture the flag”.
Also called “Center Flag”, the speedball field is designed with many huge bunkers; usually “inflatables” filled with air that are shaped similar to big snakes, soda cans, water tanks etc.
Here, a team can be composed of between three to ten players in a game. There is only one flag that is involved and it is located at the center of a field. The two teams start at each end of the field and attempt to gain possession of the flag at the center and carry it to their bunker. The team that does this successfully wins.
Paintball can surely challenge the “soldier” in you. Give it a shot!
Have fun,
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Paintball Basics

Paintball is a safe, simple yet challenging and strategic sport that is played usually by two teams, each with at least two players. Adults and kids alike enjoy this sport as they often refer to it as an advanced or improvised game of tag.
Tournaments attract many spectators of all ages, as it is a very exciting game to watch.
Paintball games are of various types, however, the most popular game often played is called "capture the flag". The object or the goal of this game is for teams to advance to the opponent’s base, move the other team’s flag to its destined location, at the same time guarding your own flag.
The paintball field has many obstacles such as tires, forts, old cars, hay and the newest are “inflatables” that are constructed as refuge for team players; making the game all the more exciting, as if participating in an actual game of war.
When one is hit, it can hurt briefly and at times give players bruises. Players are typically required to be in long sleeves shirt and pants, making sure that the color is not be identical as that of the judge and complete paintball gear such as mask, helmet and goggles for safety.
The sport of paintball has a distinct and accurate set of rules that are strictly followed. The producer of the tournament is the absolute authority in regard to either an alteration or addition to the rules; marshals oversee the event, and their decision is always final. No dispute on the paintball field is accommodated or entertained.
A military approach to paintball is used, as that knowledge is recognized and understood by the teams. A team’s tactic should be carefully planned; your team’s line of attack will not be known by the opposing team, and there should be a quick switch of plans in case something goes wrong.
There must be a lot of team work involved, as everyone moves through the field. As a team member moves, there should be others to guard and keep watch and give off covering shots when necessary. A team that moves together with a common objective will have a great chance of succeeding in this game.
Communication in the field is also very important. A team-mate can shout the position of the opponent. The moment that a player is seen, the game for that player is up; so there is no reason for you to keep quiet; instead, inform the others the location of the enemy.
The excitement of this game concludes when you are seen and eliminated - a situation that all team players struggle to avoid.
Have fun,
Friday, February 5, 2010
Essential Gear for Paintball
By Ed Quinn
You might have heard of paintball, an exciting sport that anybody can start playing. If you want to play, you will need some basic gear first. This article will outline this gear and help you get out the door and start playing.
The first this you will need is a good paintball mask. I mention this first because it is very important from a safety perspective. You do not want to try to use shop goggles or anything else like that while playing paintball. Just stick with certified paintball goggles. It is very important that these goggles fit you well, since you will have to keep them on continuously while playing.
The piece of gear most people get excited about is the marker or the gun. There is a huge range of markers for you to choose from, so I won't even begin to try to cover all of them here. The best approach is to pick your price range, and shop around for the best one you can find within that range.
The next thing you will need is an air system. You have two major types of systems to choose from, CO2 and compressed air based systems. Compressed air systems are more expensive, but also much higher performance. CO2 is cheap, and should be considered if you are on a budget. As time goes on, more and more people are going with compressed air systems.
Unless you plan on loading balls into your marker one by one, you will need a hopper to keep the paintballs in and load them into your marker. I suggest getting a motorized (or agitated) hopper, since this will really help cut down on your gun jamming up if you try to fire a half loaded paintball. A great help, to be sure.
This is not an exhaustive list of accessories for playing paintball. There will be many other random items needed, such as ball tubes, harnesses, spare parts, and more, but this should help get you started. You will need a good sturdy set of clothes that you don't mind getting stained occasionally. Other than that, you should be ready to go.
This outlines your basic gear kit to get started playing paintball. Now, all you have to do is get out there, buy some, and start playing! Check by your local or online shop today to start getting the gear you need.
The first this you will need is a good paintball mask. I mention this first because it is very important from a safety perspective. You do not want to try to use shop goggles or anything else like that while playing paintball. Just stick with certified paintball goggles. It is very important that these goggles fit you well, since you will have to keep them on continuously while playing.
The piece of gear most people get excited about is the marker or the gun. There is a huge range of markers for you to choose from, so I won't even begin to try to cover all of them here. The best approach is to pick your price range, and shop around for the best one you can find within that range.
The next thing you will need is an air system. You have two major types of systems to choose from, CO2 and compressed air based systems. Compressed air systems are more expensive, but also much higher performance. CO2 is cheap, and should be considered if you are on a budget. As time goes on, more and more people are going with compressed air systems.
Unless you plan on loading balls into your marker one by one, you will need a hopper to keep the paintballs in and load them into your marker. I suggest getting a motorized (or agitated) hopper, since this will really help cut down on your gun jamming up if you try to fire a half loaded paintball. A great help, to be sure.
This is not an exhaustive list of accessories for playing paintball. There will be many other random items needed, such as ball tubes, harnesses, spare parts, and more, but this should help get you started. You will need a good sturdy set of clothes that you don't mind getting stained occasionally. Other than that, you should be ready to go.
This outlines your basic gear kit to get started playing paintball. Now, all you have to do is get out there, buy some, and start playing! Check by your local or online shop today to start getting the gear you need.
About the Author:
If you're looking to buy some paintball equipment, be sure to swing be our site for great deals on Tippmann paintball guns and more!
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